Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Yellow Billed Cuckoo bird Facts and other Informations

Yellow-billed cuckoos reach a length of 10.5 to 12.5 inches, with a wingspan of 17 inches.This shy, slender bird gets its name from the soft coo-coo-coocoo call of the male seeking mates. In some places, it is called the "rain crow" or the "storm crow" because it begins calling right before the summer rains begin.
Yellow-billed cuckoos prefer open woodlands with clearings and a dense shrub layer. They are often found in woodlands near streams, rivers or lakes. In North America.Breeds in open woodland, scrub, parkland, orchards and gardens. Nest in a bush or tree, 2-20 ft. up, in a crotch or on a horizontal limb, usually concealed in dense foliage.


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